0.8 Ozone
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Fri 26th 7:00 pm
Las Condes, Chile134

0-50 = Good Air quality is considered satisfactory
50-100 = Moderate Air quality is acceptable
100-150 = Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
150-200 = Unhealthy Everyone may begin to
experience health effects

200-300 = Very Unhealthy Health warnings of
emergency conditions.

300+ = Hazardous Health alert !
30.8Nitro D
Carbon Monoxide
Fri 26th 7:00 pm
Las Condes, Chile12.4

Nitro D = no2(nitrogen dioxide) Values are converted from µg/m3 to AQI levels using the EPA standard.
Carbon Monoxide = Co (Carbon Monoxide Air Values are converted from µg/m3 to AQI levels using the EPA standard.
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